Friday, October 29, 2010

Some shitty and scary photoshops of Stuart Scott's eyes on other peoples faces

This is bad. I'm really hungover. Like reaaaaaaally hungover. Has anyone tried 4Loko Lemon Lime? It's their new flavor. "Tastes like Sprite, gets ya drunk like cocaine" -Cha$e Lee Dickenz. And its by far the most visually appealing can.

Anyways here's some freaky shit, the product a solid Thirstday night 1 of Halloweekend.

For Jorgen:

AND BY THE WAY WHO GOT THIS EMAIL AND CHEEEEEESED. Haha of course its the fucking day after I was Loko myself.

Personally I think this is hilarious. Yeah the stuffs dangerous, but they still sell it for THREE DOLLARS A CAN at the corner store thats takes thirty five seconds to walk to from my house. Sue me. I also think the timing is perfect, right before Halloween weekend...OH WAIT it already started last night for me, starring Ms. Four Loko Lemon Lime herself.

So there it is, some shitty photoshops and an email from the University, all the product of 4 Loko. Cheers


-Mister M

1 comment:

  1. you got game like stuart scott, fresh off the espn shop
