Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Semester


Ok I know its been a while. I was busy/ lazy for the month or so of the Fall semester and didn't really have the energy to write. I'm back. I'm taking a few classes in journalism and thought "Hell might as well." (That's a good rhyme)
Break was fucking great. No, fucking awesome! Relaxing at home with my family was great. Playing with my nephews and chillin' with my bro. I got great Christmas presents (A NEW RED Wii!!!). New years was epic. We had like a thirty person snowball fight. Good thing 25 were on my side. We kicked their ass. Then I spent the last week of break in Canada. French Canada actually. Half assholes, half college kids. I don't understand why they hate me so much. I just want to buy a pack of cigs, not make fun of your French accent.

But anyway, the snow was great. The boarding was terrific. The beer... I couldn't get enough. But hey at least I didn't get drawn on like my piss drunk roommates (Sorry guys). And perhaps the best part was the people. Everyone in the club, I thank you all for the best week of my life. If only we had given Brett a swirley. I love being out of the US. It's such a relaxed feeling. But I'm happy to be back in the city.

Now to some Philly sports. My Packers beat the Eagles on the bus to Canada. Didn't even get to listen to it. I want to congratulate them on a great season. When I wasn't playing you I was rooting for you. Firing you defensive coordinator should help. And hopefully having Weaver back will boost your O even more. But my Pack are playing the Bears next week. Both teams are good, both teams are hot. I'm predicting a 27-14 Packers win.
And we'll play the Steelers (Though I hate to say it).

The Flyers are still killing it. Without Pronger. Our defense is stout and our offense is stacked. We play the Capitals tonight. Should be a good game. Briere got snubbed from the All-Star Game so I expect a goal or two from him. Come on Giroux is our only All-Star? We're the best team in the east. But I do love how captains pick teams in the new selection process.

I'm going to see the Fly Guys on February 3rd with my cousins. I'm fucking pumped. Maybe we'll hit up the Wing Bowl the next day. I do love watching large men shove massive amounts of food in their mouths in small amounts of time.

As for the Phils? Not much to talk about. They're pretty much set. But I'm glad to see Ben Francisco got a 1-year contract. I think he's gonna break out this season with more work. I'm still hoping we trade Blanton just for a midseason move. Amaro loves summer blockbusters. Plus I've seen Worley pitch, and he looked pretty solid. He only gave up a run or two in like six innings. And that was his first start.

I'll leave you with one thing. We can all breathe easier (no pun intended) because the Kensington strangler has been found. Check it out below.

Phuck Da Bears Love Philly


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